Neon Abyss Items Guide (2024)

11 May, 2023Miguel SanchoGuides0

Neon Abyss Items Guide (1)

Last Updated on 11 May, 2023

Neon Abyss Items Guide – All the Passive Items, Temporary Items and Cosmetic Items in Neon Abyss – arranged alphabetically with effects explained


  • 1 Neon Abyss Items Guide – Best Items
  • 2 Neon Abyss Items Guide – Passive Items
  • 3 Neon Abyss Items Guide – Temporary Items
  • 4 Cosmetic Items

Other Neon Abyss Guides: Cheat Codes

Neon Abyss Items Guide – Best Items

These are the best Items in Neon Abyss:

  • Drilling Warhead : This is going to hurt… Increase your rate of fire and weapon damage. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • E-Sports Headset : Git gud. Increase your rate of fire and movement speed. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Forbidden Mask : You got promoted! Enhance your stats in all areas.
  • Future Tech : Stylish eye protection, with added benefits. Add shields and increase your rate of fire.
  • Mad Mask : This IS the craziest thing you’ve ever seen. Greatly increase your rate of fire. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Sacred Tears : You have a chance to get a protective shell each time you kill an enemy.
  • Sturdy Shield : You’ve never felt stronger. Or better-looking. Add shields. Some attacks will deal no damage to you.

Neon Abyss Items Guide – Passive Items

These are all the Passive Items in Neon Abyss:

  • 2077 : This is the future, and you’re a big dreamer. The more shields you have, the more damage your weapon does.
  • Accidental Wealth : Get 250 coins. This is what you need.
  • Acorn : Your eggs can block bullets from enemies.
  • Advanced Knife : The more shields you have, the more melee damage you do.
  • Agent Watch : Each time you pick up a key, your weapon damage will increase. Each time you use a key, your weapon damage will reduce.
  • Air Force Medal : Increase your weapon damage when you are in the air.
  • Airdrop Supply : Sometimes an airdrop happens after battle.
  • Alien Tech : There’s a chance you’ll fire a heat-seeking bullet.
  • Alien Toy : Launches 10 heat-seeking bullets after your bomb explodes.
  • Amethyst Necklace : Every time you pick up a coin, there’s a chance you’ll get extra crystals.
  • Ancient Mask : You have a chance to recover hearts each time you kill an enemy by bombs.
  • Angel Horn : There’s still a chance! Drops a Flying Heart and a Flying Shield when you get hurt.
  • Angry Mushroom : Spawn an Angry Sprite each time you jump.
  • Annoying Hat : You have a chance to drop extra crystals when you get hurt.
  • Atlantis Bubble : Some of your bullets have shields that can block enemy bullets.
  • Azure Hourglass : Generates a Guard Sprite when near death mid-battle.
  • Bad Apple : Your poison runs through their veins. All your bullets now deal poison damage.
  • Bamboo Dragonfly : If you’re down to half a heart, you’ll gain the ability to fly.
  • Barbecue Grill : All normal bombs in this run become fire bombs.
  • Bargain Insurance : Get a coin when any of your Angry Sprites dies.
  • Basketball Jersey : MAMBA FOREVER! You’ll only lose a maximum of half a heart when you get hurt.
  • Battle Pass : Pay to Win! The more coins you have, the more bullets you can shoot.
  • Bear Bone Mask : The more empty heart containers there are, the higher the max limit of Angry Sprites.
  • Bear Pendant : Every time you use a key, there’s a chance you’ll drop extra eggs.
  • Beast Amulet : It’s raw power and passion, but hard to control. Reduce your rate of fire but greatly increase your weapon damage. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Beehive : There’s a chance you’ll fire multiple bullets.
  • Beggar’s Card : While in this room, each time you pick something up, your weapon damage will increase.
  • Bent Spoon : 98%….99%…. Add a crystal container and increase your gun’s damage.
  • Berserker Blood : The fury drive your body. The fewer hearts you have, the more bullets you can shoot.
  • Big Daddy : You’re immune to the explosion damage caused by yourself.
  • Birthday Cake : A cake with “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” written on it. You are bigger! Also add two heart containers.
  • Black Box : Every time you use a key, there’s a chance you’ll drop extra shields.
  • Black Friday : It’s shopping time! Everything in the shop is half price!
  • Black Rum : When you use a bomb, your eggs will explode.
  • Blasting Cap 101 : Your explosion will create a cross-shaped blast.
  • Blasting Cap 5000 : Your explosion will create an X-shaped blast.
  • Blue Protocol : Let it guide you… Add shields. Upgrade your weapon. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Blueberry Cake : You have a chance to drop extra shields if you hatch an empty egg.
  • Bodyguard Glasses : Easier to aim without glare in your eyes… Increase your weapon’s damage. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Boom Gloves : Kill enough enemies, and you’ll drop extra bombs.
  • Bottle Opener : Spawns a ring of Angry Sprites when you use a key.
  • Brave Cookies : B.A.D. (Brave And Delicious). Add shields and a heart container. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Broccoli : Healthy food! Contains a wide variety of vitamins! Add a heart container. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Broken Kite : You can fly when you have the max number of Angry Sprites.
  • Bullet Crown : Each time an enemy is killed in this room, your weapon bullets increase.
  • Burning Talisman : Angry Sprites leave a burning flame when they die.
  • B-Virus : Each time you kill an enemy, there’s a chance it will explode.
  • Can of Red Paint : All jars are now red jars.
  • Candy Cane : The more pets you have, the faster you can shoot.
  • Candy Corn : The more pets you have, the further you can shoot.
  • Canned Cat Food : You get some gifts from cats. Also add a heart container. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Carp Streamer : It catches the wind – just like you! You can make an extra jump.
  • Cat Medallion : This cat-faced amulet vibrates softly around magic. The fewer crystals you have, the more damage your weapon does.
  • Chemical Burn : Your explosion leaves a burst of fire behind.
  • Cherry Taste : There’s a chance your bullet will split into extra bullets. We know it’s tempting, but don’t lick any.
  • Chicken Burger : You will drop extra hearts if you hatch an empty egg.
  • Chocolate Coin : Every time your pet evolves, you’ll drop coins.
  • Chocolate Cookies : Every time your pet evolves, you’ll drop a bomb.
  • Clay Doll : Art is an explosion! There’s a chance that killing an enemy will release an explosion from you.
  • Clown Hat : There’s a chance you’ll fire a fake rat. And who wouldn’t be scared of that?
  • Coin Bomb : You get triple the coins, but coins will explode after 3 seconds if you haven’t picked it up. Time is money, right?
  • Colorful Crown : There’s a chance your bullet will create a beautiful firework.
  • Combat Helmet : The more shields you have, the more bullets your weapon shoots.
  • Cooling System : Cool down your gun! All your bullets now deal ice damage.
  • Creambeer : A beer that is certainly not a milkshake. Add a heart container and a crystal container. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Cremation Box : Angry sprites have a chance of dropping a small gift when they die.
  • Crown of Thorns : Deal melee damage to enemies who make contact with you.
  • Cruel Sugar : Increases the max limit of Angry Sprites by 1 for each of your pets.
  • Crystal Hard Candy : Every time your pet evolves, you’ll drop 2 crystals.
  • Cursed Coin : Turn all wooden chests to cursed chests [Note: May be removed since v1.4.3]
  • Cyborg : Reduce your heart containers and add shields. Also increase your weapon’s damage.
  • Dance Mask : Upgrade your gun if you get hurt while in this room.
  • Danger Sign : Your gun is full of electricity! All your bullets now deal electric damage.
  • Dangerous Mine : Every time you jump, you leave a mine behind you. That sounds crazy or crazy AWESOME?
  • Dangerous Receipt : You receive delivery of a batch of bombs.
  • Dark Side : If you are down to half a heart, you’ll immediately deal damage to all enemies.
  • Death Believer : Kill enough enemies, and you’ll drop extra hearts.
  • Defensive Magic Scroll : Crystals will orbit you when near death to block one bullet.
  • Defibrillator : Revives the player upon a successful dance post-death.
  • Demon Book : You will get 1 angry sprite each time you kill an enemy by explosions.
  • Demon Wings : A little sacrifice goes a long way… Trade one heart container for the ability to fly.
  • Desert Elixir : A strange potion with “Don’t Drink Me” written on it.
  • Devil Horn : These let you increase your weapon damage and melee damage, Don’t worry about the sudden craving for flesh. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Devil Hotline : Double your melee attack damage when you are in the air.
  • Devil’s Trade : Each time you get hurt, there’s a chance you’ll take double damage… or no damage at all.
  • Dimensional Bags : You have a chance to receive random goodies when you get hurt.
  • Disco Light : Jump Marks will summon music notes each time you land.
  • Divinity : Your soul swells and you feel your feet lift off the ground… Increase your movement speed.
  • Double Yolks : Two at a time baby, yeah! Double the number of eggs you have.
  • Doughnut : The more eggs you have, the more bullets you will fire.
  • Drilling Warhead : This is going to hurt… Increase your rate of fire and weapon damage. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Earth Bread : An edible root known only to the Dwarves. Add a heart container. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Eerie Axe : Spawns an Angry Sprite when you kill an enemy with melee.
  • Elastic Gel : The victory of science! Your bullet will randomly rebound when it hits the wall.
  • Electric Drill : Each time you kill an enemy with melee damage, there’s a chance you’ll gain a bomb.
  • Electric Sheep : Do androids dream? When you have shields, you can make an extra jump.
  • Elf Bread : A bite can keep you going all day. Increase your movement speed and recover a heart.
  • Emerald Bracelet : Every time you pick up a coin, there’s a chance you’ll get extra bombs.
  • Empty Can : If you don’t have a key, you can use an egg instead.
  • Energy Cube : Each time you activate the Portal Stone, there’s a chance of getting a shield.
  • Eric’s Candle : Your melee attack deals fire damage.
  • E-Sports Headset : Git gud. Increase your rate of fire and movement speed. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Espresso : Feel that caffeine hit? It’s BULLET TIME. Increase your rate of fire. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Eternal Stone : You can manually cancel the hatching process of the egg by pressing [Cancel Key].
  • Evil Bracelet : Every time you use a key, you’ll get an angry sprite. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.4]
  • Evil Spare Parts : Spawns the max number of Angry Sprites when a machine fails (gambling machine, gambling door, gambling box).
  • Expired Dog Food : Like owner, like pet. Triggers the player’s hurt effect when a pet is hurt.
  • Fanatic Mask : You have a chance to recover hearts when you get hurt by an explosion.
  • Fatal Dance : You will fires extra bullets downwards while you’re in the air.
  • Film Magazine : Now you know Gun Fu. Add extra bullets per shot and increase your weapon’s range. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Firecrackers : There’s a chance your bomb will drop a pickup after it explodes in battle.
  • Firepower Badge : Increase rate of fire.
  • Fission Badge : Increase bullets.
  • Fission Device : There’s a chance your bullet will split into extra bullets. Stay out of the danger zone.
  • Flamingo Feathers : Jump marks will shoot a fireball when your egg touches it.
  • Flowerpot : There’s a chance your bullet will split into extra bullets. A beautiful display of death.
  • Forbidden Mask : You got promoted! Enhance your stats in all areas.
  • Fruit Popsicle : It’s always summer when you’re eating a popsicle. Add a heart container. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Frying Pan : There’s a chance that you’ll block bullets fired at you.
  • Furious Chicken : The more eggs you have, the more melee damage you do.
  • Future Tech : Stylish eye protection, with added benefits. Add shields and increase your rate of fire.
  • Game Card : The more Jump Marks you have, the more damage your gun does.
  • Gamma Ray : Ain’t nothing gonna stop you now! Your bullets can pass through walls.
  • Garand Clip : Mow ’em down. Add extra bullets per shot and increase your weapon damage. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Gas Mask : There’s a chance you’ll fire a poison bullet.
  • Ghost Bottle : Launches piercing bullets after your bomb explodes.
  • Ghost Nail : There’s a chance you’ll fire a piercing bullet.
  • Ghost Shell : You have a chance to gain shields when you get hurt. There are some questions you can’t avoid.
  • Giant Barbecue : Trade your IQ for POWER! Add a heart container. Increase your weapon damage, but reduce your rate of fire. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Gingerbread Man : If an attack kills you, you’ll exchange an egg for half a heart.
  • Gladiator Helmet : Increase your melee damage every time you get hurt in the current room.
  • Go Board : Winning is positioning, timing… and being the last alive. Add extra bullets per shot and increase your movement speed. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Golden Apple : The relic of the first civilization. Upgrade your weapon. Increase your movement speed slightly. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Golden Bell : Each time you kill an enemy with melee damage, there’s a chance you’ll receive extra coins.
  • Golden Bird : The more coins you have, the faster you can shoot.
  • Golden Fist : Each time you destroy a wooden box using melee damage, you gain 1 coin.
  • Golden Skulls : The more coins you have, the more melee damage you do.
  • Golden Statuette : You have a chance to get a guard sprite when you use coins. Don’t you want to kiss it?
  • Golden Teeth : Oof. Hope you like soup. Drop coins when you get hurt.
  • Golden Torch : The light is warm. Get an extra treasure room at each new level.
  • Grape Candy : You will drop an extra crystal if you hatch an empty egg.
  • Green Cap : This green cap will diminish you… That is, it will make you smaller. See the world from a new angle!
  • Grim Hood : Each time an enemy is killed in this room, your weapon damage increases.
  • Gum Bear : Yeah! Increase the damage from all your pets.
  • Gunpowder Plot : Each time you pick up a bomb, you get an extra one.
  • Hacking Tool : I got this! Keys are no longer a problem.
  • Hair Dryer : Let it blow your bullets farther, faster. Increase your weapon’s range and rate of fire. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Hand Mirror : There’s a chance you’ll fire a ricocheting bullet.
  • Hard Hat : You won’t take any environmental damage.
  • Hard Mints : Every time your pet evolves, you may drop half a shield.
  • Headband : The more times you jump, the more melee damage you do.
  • Heart Key : If you don’t have a key, you can use half a heart instead.
  • Heart Necklace : Every time you use a key, there’s a chance you’ll drop extra hearts.
  • Heart of Fire : You can revive after death, but you feel… tired. (Can only be used once.)
  • Heart of the Ocean : The power of love! Add shields. Increase your weapon’s damage.
  • Hero Mask : This is your calling. Increase your jump height and movement speed.
  • Hiccups : You will get a random item if you get hurt 6 times in the same room.
  • Hip Flask : Take a shot. Take the shot. Rinse and repeat. Greatly increase your weapon damage. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Hot Chili : Let your gun burn! All your bullets now deal fire damage.
  • Howard Reactor : Hearts will be replaced by shields when they drop. The creator slightly modified the rules of the universe.
  • Hungry Amulet : Kill enough enemies in melee, you will recover half a heart.
  • Hunter Queen : Your melee attacks cause enemies to explode when they die.
  • Immortal Fangs : Spawns 3 golden Angry Sprites.
  • Immortal Heart : This is a legendary trophy. You can revive after death. (Can only be used once.)
  • Imperial Force : There’s a chance you’ll fire a laser. Whether or not it hits anything is another matter…
  • Inferior Milk Powder : The less your hearts, the bigger the Angry Sprites.
  • Infinite Key : While you have this key, you can unlock anything for free. Expires at the end of the current level.
  • Inner Eye : You can preview the description of an item without picking it up.
  • Inorganic Mod : You have a chance to drop extra shields each time you kill an enemy.
  • Iron Heart : You will lose hearts first even if you have shields. You are gradually accepting this fact.
  • Jelly Beans : You have a chance to shoot random element bullets.
  • Jewelry Box : Every time you use a key, there’s a chance you’ll get a protective shell.
  • Kendo Mask : There’s a chance that you’ll block melee damage from enemies.
  • Kinetic Blade : Gain shields after killing enemies with melee damage.
  • King’s Crown : Your weapon does more damage when you’re at full hearts.
  • Knife and Fork : Each time you kill an enemy with melee damage, there’s a chance to get an egg.
  • Kongming Lantern : You will get a guard sprite when you get hurt.
  • Last Hope : You fight for humanity! After each battle, you might receive extra shields.
  • Lemon Jelly : The more eggs you have, the more times you can jump.
  • Lidless Eye : It sees …… EVERYTHING! Including your inner desires and fears.
  • Life Badge : Increase heart containers.
  • Lightning Boots : Jump Marks will create a ring of lightning.
  • Like of the King : You have the King’s approval. Upgrade your weapon. Increase your bullet velocity. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Lion Headgear : The more pets you have, the more damage your gun does.
  • Lipstick : Don’t get it on your teeth. The shop will now replenish.
  • Lithium Battery : There’s a chance you’ll fire an electric bullet.
  • Little Pickaxe : A very useful tool. Reveal all nearby hidden rooms.
  • Locksmith : If you don’t have a key, you can use coins instead.
  • Lottery Ticket : 777 coins! You feel extremely lucky… and lonely.
  • Love Yeast : Hearts will turn into two moldy hearts 3 seconds after dropping.
  • Lucky Gold Coin : Is it really not an illusion that you feel you have become lucky?
  • Mad Mask : This IS the craziest thing you’ve ever seen. Greatly increase your rate of fire. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Magic Vortex : Your weapon does more damage when your crystal containers are full. You have a big plan.
  • Magic Wand : You will gain crystals when you get hurt.
  • Magical Bean : This unbelievable bean will recover all your hearts and increase your weapon’s range.
  • Magician Hat : Each time you pick up a key, you get an extra one.
  • Maneki-Neko : Meow… You get an extra bonus when you pick up coins.
  • Marshmallow : When you’re at full health, your eggs will never fail to hatch.
  • Matchbox : If the egg touches stone – such as doors or chests – they’ll both explode and disappear.
  • Medal of Honor : It’s about discipline. Increase your movement speed and your weapon damage. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Melting Calendar : Time is a meaningless mortal construct. You understand this now, and your movement speed increases.
  • Mercenary Lord : The more coins you have, the more damage your weapon does.
  • Mercy Hood : May the love be with you. Double the amount of hearts recovered.
  • Metal Panties : Make them regret ever touching you. Drop 6 safe bombs when you get hurt.
  • Microphone : Jump Marks will create an enemy bullet deflecting wave.
  • Midnight Mask : It’s Friday! Increase your weapon’s damage when you get hurt.
  • Mini Radar : BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Mark all secrets on your map.
  • Mjolnir : Your melee attack deals electric damage.
  • Monk Hat : Add a heart container and a crystal container. Keep the sun and rain off your face so you can concentrate on meditating.
  • Monocle : You will drop an extra key if you hatch an empty egg.
  • Moonhead : You’re immune to touch damage while you’re in the air.
  • Most Wanted List : You get twice the coins after you kill enemies.
  • Motorcycle Helmet : Increase your movement speed, weapon damage, and melee damage.
  • Mustard Poop : Eggs can cause touch damage to enemies.
  • Mutated Orange : This orange will make you SUPER strong. Increase your movement speed and weapon damage.
  • Nanotechnology : After the bomb explodes, it will split into more small bombs.
  • Nerve System 6.0 : Increase your weapon damage and movement speed. Forget sheep, you keep dreaming of unicorns…
  • Night Vision : Fire a special bullet every ten shots, causing greater damage to the enemy.
  • Nightmare Mask : You will get a evil sprite when you get hurt.
  • Ninja Costume : No one will ever see you coming. You can make an extra jump. Increase your melee damage.
  • Nougat : Every time your pet evolves, you’ll drop a key.
  • Onion Helmet : You get a temporary protective shell per room.
  • Ordinary Gloves : 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 10km every day… your melee damage has skyrocketed!
  • Owl Headdress : Gain an extra egg with each Jump Mark, but they will disappear once you land.
  • Pain Drop : Fight through the pain. Let it give you strength. Increase you weapon damage and rate of fire. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Paper Crane : [Characteristics] R-6 can use only shields, as he can’t have any heart containers. Also, he can preview the description of items without picking them up.
  • Paper Plane : Let it catch the breeze… Increase your weapon’s range and damage.
  • Paper Windmills : Exhale as you pull the trigger to give your bullets a bit more oomph. Increase your rate of fire and weapon damage. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Party Popper : Launches colorful bullets after your bomb explodes.
  • Pegasus : You feel strong, feathery wings at your back. Flap them and lift into the air!
  • Pen No. 7 : You can use keys as bombs when you don’t have any bombs.
  • Pepper Soup : It’ll bring tears to your eyes! …Why, because it’s so tasty, of course! Add a heart container. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Persian Turban : The beautiful gem in this turban functions as a number of crystal containers.
  • Ping Pong : There’s a chance you’ll fire a bouncy bullet.
  • Pink Dart : Let the feathered tip wing you on your way to victory. Increase your weapon’s range and rate of fire.
  • Plague Mask : You have a chance of recovering half a heart each time you kill an enemy.
  • Plan B : Keys are not the only answer! You have a chance to unlock chests or doors with explosions.
  • Player Zero Ready : Don’t let up! The more enemies you hit without stopping, the more weapon damage you’ll do.
  • Police Badge : They have the right to remain silent… Add extra bullets per shot and increase your bullet velocity. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Popcorn : All your bullets will explode on impact or after they travel a certain distance. Enjoy the show.
  • Popping Candy : When you have the max number of Angry Sprites, gain an extra jump.
  • Power Diamond : ABSOLUTE POWER! Upgrade your weapon, increase both your melee and weapon damage. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Power Helmet : If you get hurt in this room, a ring of lightning will surround you and damage nearby enemies.
  • Prophet Chip : Kill enough enemies, and you’ll drop extra shields.
  • Protein Powder : The more eggs you have, the further you can shoot.
  • Pumpkinhead : When you get hurt, you will explode. Anyone who survives might learn a lesson.
  • Quantum Core : Increase your gun’s damage and add shields. An incredible source of power. You’ve no idea how it works. Strings, maybe?
  • Rainbow Candy : Every time your pet evolves, you’ll get a gift.
  • Rainforest Souvenir : Kill enough enemies, and you’ll drop extra eggs.
  • Rattling Will : Angry Sprites explode when they die.
  • Ready Aim Eye : Each time an enemy is killed in this room, your eye gets sharper, increasing your weapon attack speed.
  • Red Controller : Angry Sprites become immortal upon entering battle, which then disappear at the end of the battle.
  • Red Flag : Instead of throwing a bomb, place a mine on the ground.
  • Red Hat : Your jumping can cause damage to enemies. Where is the princess?
  • Ritual Mask : Add a crystal container. You can recover hearts when a certain amount of crystals are used.
  • Robot Armor : You have a chance to drop extra shields when you get hurt.
  • Rocket Mod : There’s a chance you’ll fire a heat-seeking rocket.
  • Rogue’s Badge : While in this room, each time you pick something up, your movement speed and jump height will increase.
  • Roly-Poly Toy : You will drop an extra bomb if you hatch an empty egg.
  • Royal Antlers : Increase your movement speed. You’ll drop extra coins when you use keys.
  • Ruby Earrings : Every time you pick up a coin, there’s a chance you’ll get extra hearts.
  • Running Shoes : The sweet sneakers will increase your movement speed. Gotta go fast.
  • Rusty Antenna : When you enter battle without full HP, generates Thunder beside you.
  • Rusty Key : Every time you use a key, there’s a chance you’ll drop an extra bomb or an instant bomb.
  • Sacred Tears : You have a chance to get a protective shell each time you kill an enemy.
  • Samurai’s Soul : There’s a chance you’ll fire a big bullet.
  • Sapper Backpack : All your explosions are bigger, brighter, and better.
  • Sapphire Ring : Every time you pick up a coin, there’s a chance you’ll get extra shields.
  • Sashimi Sushi : Sorry, I don’t speak Sushi. Add a heart container.
  • Saturn Lollipop : The more eggs you have, the faster you can shoot.
  • Savage Bean : Angry Sprites become bigger and move slower, but they can block bullets.
  • Scarlet Hourglass : Generates an Angry Sprite when near death mid-battle.
  • Scarlet Tale : Increase your rate of fire if you get hurt while in this room.
  • Schrödinger’s Bet : Are you dead or are you alive? You won’t know until you die and wake up… and there’s a chance you might.
  • Science Awards : Enemies will explode when they touch any Jump Mark.
  • Screaming Soda : Chance to spawn an Angry Sprite with an explosion.
  • Screwdriver : Kill enough enemies, and you’ll drop extra keys.
  • Seals Patch : You’ve worked for this. Upgrade your weapon. Increase your movement speed. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Seed of Stone : Your bullet will create a platform on the wall.
  • Serpent Staff : When you use crystals, the same number of Angry Sprites will spawn.
  • Shadow Blade : Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted. Do more weapon damage when you attack from behind.
  • Shadow Operation : They’ll never see you coming. Increase your weapon’s range and your movement speed.
  • Shaman Mask : After you activate all the Portal Stones, you’ll get some eggs.
  • Shark Bait : You can use eggs as bombs when you don’t have any bombs.
  • Shroud : Add a crystal container. You can get crystals after killing enemies.
  • Silly Frog : You wouldn’t wear them if they weren’t useful, and these let you make an extra jump.
  • Silver Brooch : Every time you pick up a coin, there’s a chance you’ll get extra keys.
  • Silver Compass : Reveal the truth. Show all rooms on your map.
  • Slayer of Demons : Kill enough enemies, and you’ll get crystals.
  • Slingshot : Pull back… Exhale slowly… Let go! TWANG! Add extra bullets per shot and increase your weapon’s range. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Smiley Bomb : Your bomb will clear a certain area of bullets.
  • Smithing Hammer : Clang. Clang. Clang. Upgrade your weapon. Increase your weapon damage. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Snack Box : Eggs will hatch random pickups instead of pets.
  • Snow Globe : There’s a chance you’ll fire an ice bullet.
  • Soldier Mask : Peekaboo! I see you! There’s a chance your bullets will track enemies.
  • Soul Flask : You hear whispers within the bottle… Add a heart container and recover some hearts. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Space Helmet : To infinity… Increase your jump height.
  • Space Soda : Atomized Cola, drink of the space age! Add a heart container and increase your weapon damage slightly. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Space Spanner : Each time you kill an enemy with melee damage, there’s a chance to get a key.
  • Spartan Lineage : The fewer hearts you have, the more damage your weapon does. SPARTAN!!!
  • Spear of Destiny : Sometimes, the Fates just want someone dead. Increase your melee range.
  • Sphygmomanometer : Angry Sprites become super-sized when you have no hearts.
  • Spicy Candy : Spawns a ring of Angry Sprites when your pet levels up.
  • Spider Carton : When Angry Sprite dies, it has a chance of dropping a flying heart or a flying shield.
  • Stark Module : Increase your weapon damage and bullet velocity. Stark Brilliance(TM). (Stark is not responsible for any loss of limbs) [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Steel Gear : The more keys you have, the faster your weapon shoots.
  • Strange Mask : Ssssssomebody stop me! Add extra bullets per shot and a shield. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Strawberry Candy : The more pets you have, the more bullets your fire.
  • Strength Badge : Increase gun damage.
  • Sturdy Shield : You’ve never felt stronger. Or better-looking. Add shields. Some attacks will deal no damage to you.
  • Super Logo : You’re at the top of your game. Upgrade your weapon. Increase your jump height and movement speed slightly. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Szechuan Cat Food : On failure to hatch, spawn an Angry Sprite.
  • Szechuan Sauce : There’s a chance you’ll fire a flame bullet.
  • Tanghulu : A stick of candied hawthorn. Add a heart container. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Telescopic Sight : Increase your weapon’s range. Also increase your jump height.
  • Tesla Coil : A ring of lightning will surround you and damage nearby enemies.
  • The Crowbar : Your favorite weapon! Increase your melee attack damage.
  • The Towel : DON’T PANIC! You’ll only lose a maximum of half a shield when you get hurt.
  • Thunder Engine : The more shields you have, the faster you fire.
  • Tobe Beef : The best beef EVER. Add a heart container. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Toffee Apple : Every time your pet evolves, you’ll drop half a heart.
  • Toilet-Plunger : When picking up an item, there is a chance of getting an Angry Sprite.
  • Toy Home Run Bat : The more eggs you have, the more melee range you have.
  • Traveler Hood : Travel farther than ever before. You can make an extra jump.
  • Treasure Map : Mark all hidden rooms on your map. You can see a faint signature on the back – Captain Jack S….?
  • Turtle Hat : There’s a chance that you’ll block damage taken from behind.
  • Unknown Mask : An extravagant crystal mask. It can be used as a crystal container and adds a shield – because no one wants to hit it.
  • Used Band-Aids : Spawns Angry Sprites when you get hurt (based on number of hearts lost).
  • Useless Item : This item is useless. Maybe there’s some way you can make it useful?
  • V.O. Field : If you’re down to half a heart, you’ll immediately drop a shield.
  • Vanilla Ice Cream : The more eggs you have, the more damage your bullets do.
  • Virtual Assistant : When you lose a shield, there’s a chance you’ll get a guardian sprite.
  • Void Coin : There’s a hole in the world… in your soul. Increase your weapon damage and rate of fire. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • Wade Tech : It looks easy enough to install… Upgrade your weapon. Increase your rate of fire. [Note: May be removed since v1.4.5]
  • War Hammer : Each time you kill an enemy with melee damage, there’s a chance a mine will drop.
  • Weapon Badge : Increase gun level.
  • Welding Mask : You have a chance to drop extra keys when you get hurt by an explosion.
  • Whetstone : While in this room, the more times you use your melee attack, the more damage it does.
  • Winged Hat : The little wings are so darn cute. And they let you make an extra jump.
  • Wings of Wisdom : [Note: This is actually a Pickup which gives you the ability to fly. It can be obtained in the Athena/Cursed Athena boss room.]
  • Wizard Sword : Each time you kill an enemy with melee damage, there’s a chance you’ll receive extra crystals.
  • Worst Blowing Gum : The more pets you have, the more times you can jump.
  • X-Ray : Your bullets can pass through enemies.

Neon Abyss Items Guide – Temporary Items

These are all the Temporary Items in Neon Abyss:

  • Faith Coin (Ares Token): Found in the Temple of Violence. Will enable the player to enter Floor 8 to encounter Ares there.
  • Faith Coin (Athena Token): Found in the Temple of Wisdom. Will enable the player to enter Floor 8 to encounter Athena there.
  • Ticket-1: Brings the player to the “Level-?” floor after the current floor.
  • Ticket-2: Brings the player to the “Level-?” floor after the current floor.
  • Ticket-3: Brings the player to the “Level-?” floor after the current floor.
  • Ticket-4: Brings the player to the “Level-?” floor after the current floor.
  • Ticket-5: Brings the player to the “Level-?” floor after the current floor.
  • Ticket-6: Brings the player to the “Level-?” floor after the current floor.
  • Chaos Ticket: Brings the player to the “Level-?” floor after the current floor.

Cosmetic Items

These are all the Cosmetic Items in Neon Abyss:

  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Ace Pilot
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Big Bad Wolf
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Bride
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Cute Octopus
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Frankenstein’s Monster
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Grim Reaper
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Kungfu
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Magical Girl
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Masked Hero
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Mother Hen
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Pharaoh
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Pumpkin Head
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Star Fighter
  • Neon Abyss Items – Cosmetic: Zombie

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Neon Abyss Items Guide (2)

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Neon Abyss Items Guide (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.