weather the downturn - 英中 – Linguee词典 (2024)

An important priority of the HKTB in 2009-10 will be

[...] to support the local travel trade partners as they weather the economic downturn.

為此,支持本地業界將 是旅發局在 2009-10 年度的重要工作。

Our sound strategy based on

[...] product innovation, gains in market share, geographic expansion and operational excellence will enable us to weather the downturn and emerge an even stronger company,” concluded Mr. Wong.

集團的穩健策略,以致力產品創新、擴大市場份額、開拓地區市場和力臻卓越營運為基石,將使我們能安渡困境, 並成為實力更強 的企 業。

Looking ahead, the Government had to respond to calls of the community and work out strategies to weather the economic downturn, to promote economic growth through innovative measures, maintain financial resilience through means such as setting priority for government spending and broadening [...] [...]

the tax base, sustain the competitiveness of Hong Kong and prepare Hong Kong for the challenges of an ageing population.

展望將來,政府須回應社會各界 的訴求,制訂策略渡過經濟轉的 難關;藉 着創新措施促進經濟增長;透過訂立政府支 出的優先次序及擴闊稅基等方法,維持財政 的穩健性;以及為人口老化帶來的種種挑戰 作好準備。

Some members had put forward other suggestions to assist the unemployed and the low-income group who were

[...] most hard hit by the economic downturn.

部分委員提出其他 建議,以協助受濟逆轉打擊最 深的失業及低收入人士。

Anguilla’s economy is highly

[...] vulnerable to downturns in the global economy, high international oil prices and unfavourable weather conditions.

安圭拉的经济极易受到全球经济衰退、国际油价居高不 以及气状况的伤害

It also responded

[...] to key challenges that emerged during the biennium, in particular the severe global economic downturn and uncertainty about the future.

教育部门还应对了该双年度期间出现的各种重大挑战,尤其是全球经济的严重 衰退 和前途的变幻莫测。

A member suggested conducting a pilot


scheme in summer as some opponents of the ban had raised the

[...] issue of passenger and driver comfort when the weather is hot.

鑑於部分反對管制停車熄匙的人士提出天氣炎熱時乘客和駕駛 者的舒適問題,一位成員提在夏 天時 才進 行停 車熄匙管制的 試驗計劃。

These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management and involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of operations to be materially different from those suggested by the forward-looking statements including, among others, risks associated with cyclicality


and market conditions in the

[...] semiconductor industry, the downturn in the global economy [...]

and the impact on China’s economy,


intense competition, timely wafer acceptance by SMIC’s customers, timely introduction of new technologies, SMIC’s ability to capture growth opportunities in China, supply and demand for semiconductor foundry services, industry overcapacity, shortages in equipment, components and raw materials, orders or judgments from pending litigation, availability of manufacturing capacity and financial stability in end markets.




[...] 瞻性陳述所載資料存在重大差異的因素,包括(但不限於)與半導體行業周期及市場狀況有 關的風險、全球退及其對中 國經濟的影響、激烈競爭、中芯客戶能否及時接收晶圓産 [...]



力、半導體代工服務供求情況、行業産能過剩、設備、零件及原材料短缺、未決訴訟的頒令 或判決、能否取得生産力,和終端市場的財政穩定。

The Ministers are convinced that the international financial and economic crisis and the resulting downturn in global economic growth severely affect in particular the economies of developing countries, inter alia, through decrease in trade and FDI and increased contractions and high costs of credit, thereby negatively impacting on the realization of the right to development, [...] [...]

constraining social investment, deepening poverty and raising unemployment rates.

各位部长相信,国际金融和经济危机以及由此导致的全球经济增长 滑严 重影响了特别是发展中国家的经济,此外还包括贸易和外国直接投资的减少以 及信贷紧缩的加重和信贷成本的上升,因而给发展权的实现造成了消极影响, 抑制了社会投资,加剧了贫穷,并且增加了失业率。

On the other, international commodity prices, combined with currency appreciation,

[...] [...] helped to significantly lower the rate of inflation and limit the erosion of real income, thereby at least partially offsetting the downturn in labour indicators.

另一方面,国际商品 价格和货币升值帮助降低通货膨胀率,限制实际收入的减少,从而至少部分抵消 劳工指的恶化。

The declaration has promoted collaborative actions through policy guidance at various levels, in particular: (a) developing a comprehensive and integrated approach to achieving the internationally agreed goals and commitments, including the Millennium Development Goals; (b) strengthening health systems through primary health care to advance the goal of universal access to health services; (c) promoting health as an outcome of all sectoral policies; (d) promoting greater policy coherence in international assistance; (e) strengthening and building innovative partnerships among


relevant actors, and (f) sustaining and enhancing financing for health and

[...] development, despite the recent economic downturn.

宣言通过在各级提供政策指导,促进开展了合作行动,特别是(a) 制定一项 全面统筹办法,以实现国际商定的目标和承诺,包括千年发展目标;(b) 通过初


级保健来加强卫生系统,从而推进普及保健服务的目标;(c) 提倡把卫生保健作 为所有部门政策的一种成果;(d) 推动加强国际援助政策的一致性;(e) 加强和

[...] 建立相关行为者之间的新型伙伴关系;(f) 尽管最近经济衰退,仍要维持和加 强卫生与发展方的筹资。

(c) The challenges faced by migrants are today


compounded by new

[...] threats, such as the global financial crisis and economic downturn, climate change, [...]

food insecurity and


organized crime, and encourages international organizations, academic institutions, Member States and civil society to carry further studies on these threats and their link with racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

(c) 当今移民所面临的挑战由于新的威胁而变得更为复杂,例如,全球金 融危机和经济下滑、气候 变化、粮食不安全和有组织犯罪等;谨鼓励国际组织、 学术机构、成员国和民间社会进一步研究这些威胁及其与种族主义、种族歧视、 [...]


The global economic downturn that arose because of the financial crisis [...]

did not have a serious impact on our market or our business last year.

金融危機所導致 環球退,對去 年的衛星市場及我們的業務並未構成嚴重的影響。

As part of an initiative within Climate Change, Agriculture and Food


Security, a research

[...] programme of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) analysing linkages between climate variables and food security indicators, climate data from weather stations and remote sensing imagery are being assessed for Nepal, in the search for recent [...]

changes in climate


patterns and how they may impact food security in the country.

作 为气候变化、农业和粮食安全范围之内的举措的一部分,国际农业研究协商小 组(农研协商小组)的研究方案分析 了气候 变量 与粮食安全指数之间的关系, 并正在为尼泊尔评估来自气象 和遥感 像的 据, 以研 究最近的气候模 式变化及其可如何影响该国的粮食安全。

The view was expressed that satellite operators would welcome information on space weather hazards and conjunction risks on a daily basis and that expert groups B and C should consider means by which satellite operators could access space weather information and exchange orbital parameters to allow the most accurate [...]

risk analysis possible to be performed.

有一种观点认为,卫星运营者会欢 关于空 危害 和相 应风险的 信息,而 B 专家组和 C 专家组应考虑卫星运营者可以何种手段 息,及交 流轨道参数,从而得以进行最准确的风险分析。

The Committee noted the conclusion of the item entitled “International Space Weather Initiative” and agreed that the Scientific and Technica l Subcommittee should include on its agenda, starting from its fiftieth session, a new regular item entitled “Space weather, in order to allow member States of the Committee and international organizations having permanent observer status with the Committ ee to exchange views on national, regional and international activities related to space weather science and outreach, as well as the societal impacts of space weather, with a view to promoting [...]

greater international cooperation in that area.

会注意到题为“ 措” 的项 目现 结束 ,并一致 认为科 和技术小组委员会应自其第五十届会议起在其议程中列入一个题 为“的新的固 定项目,从而使委员会成员国和具有委员会常驻观察员地位的国 际组织能够交与空气象学和 外联 活动有关的本国、区域和国际活动的观 点以的社会影 响,以此促进在该领域开展更多国际合作。

The course is based on learning how two sources of energy (the sun and the radioactive


decay inside Earth) drive convection

[...] currents that cause weather, the reshaping of [...]

Earth’s surface, and the continuation of ecosystems.

本課程是以學習兩種能源(太陽與地球內的放射衰變)如何驅使對流 並形變化,地 球表面的再生成和生態系統的延續為基礎的。

Rather, at the top of the agenda of politicians and policymakers are farm


gate prices for agricultural produce,

[...] the vagaries of the weather, which affects [...]

agriculture, public security and access to education.

政治家和决策者议程上的首要问题是农产品的农场交货 价格、影响农业异常天气变化、 公共 安全和教育 会。

Where no adequate pre-existing social protection mechanisms were in place, States’ investments in


social protection were less able

[...] to respond to the effects of the economic downturn, although they [...]

still provided an important


form of support to those most affected by the crises.


[...] 存在的社会保护机制的情况下,国家对社会保护的投资不太能够应对经 济衰退 影响,尽管仍对受危机影响最严重的人提供了一种重要支持。

Although it is inherently dangerous, many would argue that the degree of danger is a function


of fishers’ choices about the risks they

[...] take, such as the weather they fish in, [...]

the boats they use, the rest they obtain,


and the safety gear they carry.

尽管是固有的危险,但许多人认为危险程度是 渔民选择风险的结果,例如捕 使用 的船 、能够获得的休息时间和携带 [...]


Upon enquiry as to its position on those proposals, and whether consideration had been given to changing the standard


replacement cycle, even

[...] temporarily, during the current financial downturn, the Office of Information [...]

and Communications Technology


stated that client departments and offices could, if they so desired, defer the replacement of personal computers beyond the current four-year cycle and that, in case of failure, a loaned personal computer was made available pending the procurement of a new one.


[...] 会询问信息和通信技术厅,它对这些提议采取什么立场,在当前 金融 衰退 形势 中, 它是否考虑哪怕是暂时更改标准更换周期,信息和通信技术厅表示,用户部厅如 [...]

果愿意,可以将更换个人计算机的时间推迟到现行的 4 年周期之后,而且,如果 个人计算机出问题,在采购新计算机之前,可以借个人计算机。

Reducing the volatility of ODA and breaking the procyclicality of aid was of central importance, particularly to protect developing countries in times of global economic downturn.

目前必须 减少官方发展援助的波动性,打破援助的周期倾 向,尤其是在全球滑的时候 要保护发展中国家。

International trademark filings under WIPO’s Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks (“the Madrid


system”) dropped by 16% in 2009

[...] as a result of the global economic downturn, though increases [...]

were observed among some major


users of the system, notably the European Union (EU) (3.1%) and Japan (2.7%), as well as in the RepublicofKorea (ROK) (+33.9%), Singapore (+20.5%), Croatia (+17.5%) and Hungary (+14.5%).

世界知识产权组织(WIPO)的商标国际注册马德里体系(“马德里体系”)国际商标申请量20 09 年因全 球经 下滑 而减少16%,但该体系一些主要用户发生了增长,主要是欧洲联盟(欧盟)(3.1%)和日本(2.7%), 以及大韩民国(+33.9%)、新加坡(+20.5%)、克罗地亚(+17.5%)和匈牙利(+14.5 %)。

However, we believe

[...] that the fundamental growth drivers of the Asian satellite industry remain solid despite the downturn.


This hyperspectral data will enable meteorologists to provide


better daily forecasts,

[...] predict severe weather and atmospheric instability more accurately, and improve location and storm tracking and analysis of the intensity of hurricanes and typhoons, resulting in earlier evacuations that can improve the preservation [...]

of lives and property.

這些高光譜數據 能協助氣象學家提供更天氣 報、 更準確 和不 穩定 大氣預測;並提高對 風暴位置及動向的追蹤,分析颶風和颱風強度,讓民眾提前疏散,加強對性命和財 的保

Therefore, the Administration in the consideration of new regulations at present, has covered the issue raised by Mrs

[...] [...] LAU a moment ago, that is, whether the legislation will vest the Director of Marine with the power to issue general instructions to vessels in a procession as a whole, so that (regardless of the weather condition or circ*mstances) no activities of the procession will cause any inconvenience to other port users.

所以現時 政府在考慮新規例時,是包括劉議員剛才所述,即可否在法例內容許海事處處長有 權對參加遊行的船隊作整體㆖的指示,使其(不論㆝氣良好與否或在任何情況㆘) 在港海內進行的㆒切活動,不會對其他港海使用者造成不便。

They cover the relationship between toxic metals, trace elements and their impact on environmental and public health issues; integrative biology and ecological complexity; Latin American capacity-building in biophysics; an international perspective on standards


and goals for

[...] mathematics education; the promotion of women’s role in physics; an electronic way of sharing scientific information; weather forecasting; genetically modified crops; and establishment of a new framework for ocean research in the earth system science.

项目涵 盖有毒物质、微量元素,以及它们对环境和公众健康影响问题之间的关系;综合生物学及生 态学的复杂性;拉丁美洲在生物物理学方面的能力建设问题;数学教育的标准和目标方面的 国际观点;提高妇女在物理学领域的作用;实现共享科学信息的电 手段 气象 报; 转基 因农产品;以在地球系统科 学内建立新型海洋研究框架。

Panel members had asked whether, after the new radar had come into operation, the use of one storm detecting weather radar would be sufficient in generating the requisite meteorological information for providing weather


forecasts, especially during autumn and

[...] winter months when the weather was normally fine, [...]

thereby lengthening the life span of the radars.


[...] 用一台風暴探測天氣雷達是否足以提供所需的氣 象資料天氣預報,尤其是在天氣 通常 較好的秋冬 季月份,從而延長雷達的使用年期。

As this fund is mainly for

[...] meeting additional policy expenditure arising from efforts to cope with ageing population and the wealth gap, or is used to maintain the level of expenditure arising from poverty alleviation work or policies concerning ageing population at times of an economic downturn, so I think a mechanism for an annual fixed amount of funding may not have to be set up [...] [...]

and what should be done instead is to set aside some money when an enormous surplus appears in order to address policy needs.

由於這個基金 主要是應付一些因為人口老化或 富懸 殊而引起的額外政策開支,或是在經 濟不景時,用來維持跟扶貧和人口老化有關的政策開支,所以我認為基金未 必有需要設立每年定額撥款的機制,而是在出現大額盈餘時,才預留一些 錢,以應付政策上的需要。

The responding enterprises in the retail and restaurant sectors indicated that other major impacts of the implementation of SMW included difficulties in recruitment (for instance, labour shortage, difficulty in recruiting grassroots employees involving mainly kitchen general workers, dishwashers and cleaners), and increase in operating costs (for instance, increase in labour costs and worry over difficulties in business operation, especially in times of economic downturn).

業及飲食業受 訪企業表示實施法定最低工資的其他主要影響包括招聘困難 (例如行內人手短缺及較難聘請基層員工,主要涉及的職位包括廚房雜工、洗碗工及清 潔工),以及成本增加(例如勞工成本上漲和擔心經營困難,尤其在 逆轉 時候 )。

weather the downturn - 英中  – Linguee词典 (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.