Protein Cookie Dough {3 Ingredients!} - The Big Man's World ® (2024)

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This protein cookie dough is a simple 3 ingredient dessert that packs in over 20 grams of protein per serving! NO sugar, NO eggs, and NO flour needed, it takes seconds to make!

Protein Cookie Dough {3 Ingredients!} - The Big Man's World ® (1)

Protein Cookie Dough

When it comes to protein powder desserts, my favorite recipes to make are brownies, cookies, and this protein powder cookie dough.

Ever since I started weight training, I’ve made an effort to eat some form of protein with every meal. My main meals are easy, as I always have eggs in the morning and either chicken or fish with my other meals. When it comes to snacking or desserts though, I struggle.

I’ve never been a huge fan of protein shakes on their own, and only really have them after a workout. When my sweet tooth kicks in after dinner, it’s the last thing I want. Because of that, I have a handful of protein-heavy desserts up my sleeve. If I’m not in the mood to whip out my blender or turn on the oven, my fallback is this edible protein cookie dough.

Now, this protein cookie dough recipe is legit in that it tastes like real deal cookie dough. If you’ve made my edible cookie dough or my keto cookie dough, this one is on the exact same wavelength, a little more similar to my healthy cookie dough actually. Like those other recipes, there are no eggs and no raw flour needed, but you’d never tell. The texture is thick, slightly smooth, and easy to dig in with a spoon. It’s sweet and with hints of vanilla, and studded with chocolate chips.

The secret to a perfect protein cookie dough is to use a good quality protein powder that actually tastes good- This makes ALL the difference and will take your dessert from mediocre to something you’ll crave all the time!

How do you make protein cookie dough?

The Ingredients

  • Peanut butter– Smooth, all natural peanut butter, with no added sugar. I recommend using some with a dash of salt, as it brings out the flavor of the cookie dough. If you can’t tolerate peanuts or don’t want a subtle peanut butter flavor throughout, you can use almond butter, cashew butter, or tahini.
  • Maple syrup– Gives the cookie dough sweetness, without adding any refined sugar. You can cut the sugar completely and use sugar free maple syrup.
  • Protein powder– Vanilla protein powder is preferred, as it gives the cookie dough extra sweetness and some lovely vanilla flavor. Casein, brown rice, or pea protein powder should be used, NOT whey protein powder.
  • Water OR milk– Optional, but if you prefer a smoother cookie dough, you can thin it out with some water or milk (unsweetened almond milk). Start with one tablespoon at a time, until the desired texture is achieved.
  • Chocolate chips– What is a good cookie dough without chocolate chips?! Use store bought ones or make sugar free chocolate chips.

The Instructions

Start by whisking together your peanut butter and maple syrup until smooth. Slowly add the protein powder until incorporated. Using your hands, form into a smooth dough. If you prefer a thinner cookie dough, add some water or milk. Fold through the chocolate chips, before transferring to a bowl and enjoying immediately.

Protein Cookie Dough {3 Ingredients!} - The Big Man's World ® (2)

Tips to make the best protein powder cookie dough

  • Use a good quality protein powder. Brown rice protein powder, pea protein powder, and casein protein powder are all the best options for this cookie dough. They are thick enough to hold their shape and be pliable.
  • For a thicker cookie dough, refrigerate it. You can enjoy this cookie dough as soon as it is made, however, if you prefer a thick, almost crumbly cookie dough, you can refrigerate it for 30 minutes before enjoying it.
  • Add sweetness, if desired. Vanilla flavored protein powder is recommended because it also adds an extra layer of sweetness. However, if you use a neutral tasting protein powder or one with minimal sweetness, add some extra sweetener to it! You can use extra maple syrup, brown sugar substitute or powdered sugar substitute.

Storing and freezing tips

  • To store: Cookie dough can be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 1 week. Let the cookie dough sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before enjoying, or add a few tablespoons of water/milk to loosen it up.
  • To freeze: Place portions of the cookie dough in airtight containers and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months.
Protein Cookie Dough {3 Ingredients!} - The Big Man's World ® (3)

More protein dessert recipes to try

  • Muffins
  • Mug brownie
  • Ice cream
  • Pudding
  • Donuts

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bake this cookie dough?

You can bake this cookie dough into a giant cookie, but you’ll need to remove it from the oven once it begins to look ‘cooked’. Alternatively, you can make protein cookies instead.

Can protein powder be used instead of flour?

Depending on the recipe you make, protein powder can replace flour. However, you cannot simply swap out flour with protein powder, as it will affect the overall recipe.

Is there sugar in protein powder?

While there are some protein powders with no added sugar in them, Many types of protein powder do contain it. Be sure to check out the nutritional label carefully to ensure there are no hidden sugars in it.

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Protein Cookie Dough {3 Ingredients!} - The Big Man's World ® (4)

Protein Cookie Dough

5 from 972 votes

This protein cookie dough is an edible cookie dough that packs in over 20 grams of protein! NO flour, NO eggs, and NO refined sugar needed, it takes seconds to prepare and needs just 3 ingredients!

Servings: 6 servings

Prep: 1 minute min

Cook: 1 minute min

Total: 2 minutes mins

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  • In a small bowl, whisk together the peanut butter and maple syrup until combined. Slowly add in the protein powder until a thick and crumbly texture remains.

  • Using a tablespoon, add enough water until a thick consistency remains. Fold through the chocolate chips at the end.

  • Enjoy immediately or chill for 30 minutes for a more firm edible cookie dough.


* Vanilla protein powder or flavorless protein powder.

** I used sugar free maple syrup.

*** Only add enough to achieve the desired texture of cookie dough.

TO STORE: Cookie dough can be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 1 week. Let the cookie dough sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before enjoying, or add a few tablespoons of water/milk to loosen it up.

TO FREEZE: Place portions of the cookie dough in airtight containers and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months.


Serving: 1servingCalories: 180kcalCarbohydrates: 6gProtein: 20gFat: 10gSodium: 119mgPotassium: 180mgFiber: 3gVitamin A: 36IUCalcium: 54mgIron: 1mgNET CARBS: 3g

Course: Snack

Cuisine: American

Author: Arman Liew

Tried this recipe?Give us a shout at @thebigmansworld or tag #thebigmansworld!

Protein Cookie Dough {3 Ingredients!} - The Big Man's World ® (2024)
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